Overview - Workflow
Depending on the type of event and the size of your team, there are several options for running your collaborative event sites with DPG.
Presenting your content
You can choose whether to create a Public Gallery, a secure Press Gallery with user logins, or both. Read more about Public vs. Press Galleries here.
Photographers can be bonded to multiple sets so that their images are automatically added to several sites on upload.
Content moderation
Images can be uploaded to go live on the site immediately or can be selectively added by a moderator.
Here are two common ways of using DPG for events:
Photographers are bonded to website sets, uploading their images directly to the live site without moderation.
Photographers upload their images into an internal set. An editor or moderator selects their chosen content to add to the live website set.
You may even want to use different approaches for Public and Press galleries for the same event. For example, you could choose to have all images upload directly to the live Press Site, but curate a smaller selection to add to the Public Gallery.