Essential Portfolio - Arranging media order in Design
To make it easier to work with your content without having to leave the Design section, you can rearrange the order of any sets and index views sorted by custom order.
Arranging sets view
Enter the Design section. In the preview window, navigate to the page you want to rearrange. In the side panel, go to Page and Arrange. You can now click on a set to pick it up and drag it to a different position.Arranging index view
Enter the Design section. In the preview window, navigate to the index view you want to rearrange. In the side panel, go to Page and Arrange. You can now click on an image to pick it up and drag it to a different position.If your layout has very large images, or you have a lot of images on the page, it may be easier to arrange then in the admin by viewing them as small thumbnails instead.
Setting custom order
To rearrange the order in Design, the set in question must be sorted by Custom order in the admin.
To check, navigate to the set in the admin. Click the cog icon and make sure that Sort by is on Custom. If not, choose Custom from the dropdown menu now.
Making custom order default
You can make custom order the default for any new sets you create in the admin.
From the Dashboard go to Settings. Click Images and Options.Find the section titled Set default options and select Custom for both Images and Sets.