Stripe - Testing Stripe
Before launching your shop, you should test it to make sure that everything is set up correctly. When using Stripe as the payment provider, you can switch your shop to a test mode Stripe account and use fake card numbers to make test sales in your shop. This allows you to test the entire process of checkout - including shipping, discounts and payment exactly as it will be experienced by customers - without incurring real charges.
Connecting Stripe account in test mode
Stripe allows you to use your account in test mode and live mode. When in test mode, payments are not processed and only the provided test payment information can be used to check out orders.
DPG enables you to connect both test and live accounts and switch between them easily.
Go to the Stripe and the Add tab.
You are now able to select this account to use for testing of your shop website.
Testing shop payments
From the website screen, go to the Sales tab. Select the test account from the Stripe account dropdown menu. Click Save.
Now that the testing account has been selected, you can test your shop website.
Visit your website. Add some items to your cart and continue to the checkout.
Complete the information at checkout, selecting Stripe as the payment method if prompted to choose. Review your order and Proceed to payment.
You will now see the Stripe payment screen. If you've configured your test account correctly, you should see that it is in Test Mode
Stripe provide a variety of card numbers you can use for testing:
You can enter these card details on the test mode payment screen to complete the checkout process.
Once payment is completed, you'll be directed back to your shop and a "Thank you for your order" page will display. You will also receive an order confirmation email.
Completed test orders
Test orders appear in Sales > Orders. Click Manage to view each order in detail.
Switching to live Stripe account
Once you've completed testing, make sure that you replace the testing account with one in live mode before you launch your shop. Go to Sales > Options from the website screen and choose your live account.